she opened the email and found that it was a forward. it was a video 3an funniest home video.
she replied." hahah very funny"
after 2 mins a new email.
"heheh 3asa doum hal tha7ka.." na9er.
" hehehe mashkooor:$" muneera.
she closed her bb and focused on the song.
"shwaya in gelt a7taaaajik shwaayaaa in gelt ashtaaaagiik weshwaya in gelt ana kelii leek weshwaya en gelt ahwaaaak"majeed,maryem and muneera sang loudly.
"manooor wain bitro7een" maryem.
"madrri maryoom soogaaay around kuwait abi ashoofha" manoor.
"okaay itshofenha wela itshoofenlich weld el 7alal;p"maryem.
" hahahahahah walaaah itha feeee ne9eeeeb ib hal share3."manoor.
6ab3an as usual ghazelooohum wayeed naaas. feee wa7ed minhum kaan 7iloo oo shakla mo7taram. he passed through the girls not saying anything just smiling.
" maryomoo shofay hatha mitwale3 feech" muneera.
" hahahah manooor, bas it9adgeen 7iloo" maryem.
" eeeeeeee! shakla mo2adaab" muneera.
they kept on singing and dancing.
every time the man came closer maryem's heart beats faster. its like love at the first sight.
the girls decided to go back home and watch a movie.
( sorry short bas i like them short;p next post enshalah soon.)
ylooog ina na9er .. ;P is it !!!? :P